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253 result(s) found, displaying 51 to 60The Australian Policy Cycle designed by James Gulliver Hancock provides an easy to follow visual of the key milestones required for best practice government decision making.
In this video, APS staff from around the country answer the question: ‘What does working together in the APS mean to you?’
The APS Reform Office has created a website with resources and links on how public service agencies are implementing APS Reform initiatives.
Nate Riley talks about his APS career journey. He explains how he maintained focus and contributed to building APS capability across the service.
This eLearning course explains your responsibilities under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013.
Pro-integrity involves the embedding of integrity into an agency’s culture, where it is a core consideration of all it does—from the conduct of its individual employees, to its systems and practices.
This network enables APS people who are involved at any level in Partnership and Engagement to better collaborate and share resources, ask questions and solve problems.
The APS Change Framework is for anyone managing change across the Australian Public Service.
Inspire and support a continuous learning culture with these Continuous Learning conversation prompts.
The guide provides practical guidance for people who run activities that target people with disability to design, plan, and deliver more inclusive processes, products, services and policies.