APS Foundations: Records Management

This course will introduce you to the key principles, your obligations and expected behaviours regarding how records are managed in the Australian Public Service.
This learning experience has been provided by the APS Academy in collaboration with The National Archives of Australia.
Participant benefits
- Identify what must be kept as a record of the Australian Government
- Appreciate why records management is important
- Identify rules and regulations which govern records management in your agency
- Know your roles and responsibilities for supporting records management in your agency
Suitable for
All staff.
Category and User level
This learning experience is part of the APS Annual Essential Learning Program, the APS Induction Pathway Program and aligns with the Working in Government Craft at the Foundation level.
Free of charge.
Related topics
Administration, Induction, Risk management
This course will introduce you to the key principles, your obligations and expected behaviours regarding how records are managed in the Australian Public Service.
This course is part of the e-Learning program APS Annual Essential Learning and the APS Induction Pathway program.
This learning experience has been provided by the APS Academy in collaboration with The National Archives of Australia.
Full course details
See full course details for more information.
Additional Information
- To enrol in this session you will need a valid APSLearn profile.
- Steps on how to create an APSLearn profile or to view FAQs can be found here.
- If you have moved Departments or you have multiple APSLearn profiles, you can request to merge your profiles here.
- If your training venue is at MoAD, please refer to the directional map to assist with locating the training room.
* Capacity limits may apply. Please log into APSLearn to check availability.
- If the session is full or none of the additional sessions are suitable, you can express your interest, through APSLearn, for this event. You will be added to a mailing list to be notified when a new session becomes available.