Good practice guidelines for engaging with people with disability
This content has been provided by the APS Academy.
Many people in Australia identify as people with disability. However, people with disability are often excluded from or have poor experiences when taking part in developing processes, products, services and policies. Their participation would benefit everyone.
Improving the ways in which these activities are designed, planned and delivered, allows more people with disability to have their say on topics that impact them. This improvement will result in people with disability having better, more accessible, and more inclusive experiences.
The guidelines are designed to help people working in the government, private and not-for-profit sectors. They provide practical guidance for people who run activities to design, plan, and deliver processes, products, services and policies.

Suitable for
All staff.
Craft and User Level
This aligns with the APS People Craft at the Foundation level.
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Good practice guidelines for engaging with people with disability (
Related topics
Communication; Leading in the APS; Relationships; Values; Working in teams; Leadership; Workforce Strategy