MasterCraft Series – Academia and the Public Service: Partnering for Policy Excellence

Academia and the public service are certainly different. How can we take advantage of the differences and build on them as a source of strength? How do these sectors complement each other and work together to deliver improved understanding and better outcomes for Australians?
In this webinar, hear from public servants and academics who have successfully partnered for policy and program delivery excellence. We will explore how to effectively navigate such relationships, and tried and tested partnership mechanisms (e.g. MOUs, secondments).

Professor Janine O’Flynn
Professor Janine O’Flynn is the Director of the ANU Crawford School of Public Policy, the leading Public Policy school in the region, and amongst the best in the world. She is an expert in public administration and management, having advised governments around the world on issues ranging from the design of effective performance management systems through to collaborative approaches to policy design and implementation.
She is a Fellow of the US National Academy of Public Administration and the Institute of Public Administration Australia, and she sits on several advisory boards. Janine is an award-winning researcher and educator, and is committed to better understanding how government works, and contributing to improving the outcomes of those activities.

Sam Palmer
Sam Palmer enjoys working with researchers, academics and students in her role leading Commonwealth tourism policy, program and official statistics at the Australian Trade and Investment Commission and as a longstanding and awarded Diversity and Inclusion Champion. In her SES Band 2 roles since 2005 Sam has found great benefit in her work with academics across a wide range of roles including Indigenous and Rural Health, corporate HR, producing analytical insights, and Therapeutic Goods regulation.
Earlier in her career Sam was a part-time QUT lecturer and Griffith University administrator, and has ensured ongoing quality relationships between public administration practice and research through her work as National Secretary of the Institute of Public Administration Australia.

Maria Katsonis
Maria Katsonis is an Industry Fellow, Public Policy in the School of Social and Political Sciences where she teaches in the Master of Public Policy and Management. She also delivers custom education programs for Melbourne Business School and the Australia and New Zealand School of Government. She has taught internationally at the University of Birmingham and in Malaysia for the Public Service Department (Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam). Maria is also the editor of The Bridge, ANZSOG’s research translation series which has over 16,000 subscribers.
Maria has 20 years’ experience in the Victorian Public Service as a senior executive, primarily with the Department of Premier and Cabinet. As a public servant, she has provided authoritative policy to Premiers, Ministers and Heads of Departments. She also led whole of government policy and reform projects.
Maria has a Master of Public Administration from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. She was named an Australian Financial Review Woman of Influence for her leadership in diversity and inclusion and is a Fellow of the Institute of Public Administration Australia.

Dr Cathy Fussell
Dr Cathy Fussell is an Australian Government public servant and academic. As a public servant, Cathy has over 20 years’ experience in policy and program delivery, and data analytics strategy and capability development. Her work currently focuses on using data for outcomes-driven policy adaption. As an academic, Dr Fussell focuses on rethinking power and value in light of complex systems theory and the system dynamics of ethical governing and data use. Cathy is a visiting fellow at ANU’s School of Cybernetics and a Sir Roland Wilson Foundation alumni and board member. She is an active champion of APS-academic partnerships.
Participant benefits
- Join us to celebrate great APS and academic partnerships.
- Discover case studies what effective partnerships look like.
- Take away a suite of practical tips, insights and existing mechanisms to build genuine partnerships.
Suitable for
All staff.
Category and User level
This learning experience aligns with the Data Profession at the Foundation level.
Free of charge.
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